As the mercury in this neck of the woods rises and falls with a vigor which would cause any beach-loving Barbadian to tremble in their boots, far off in the distance a sneeze or two can be heard. A tear drops from an eye not touched by grief and a nose cries in memory of the days when it could do so freely in public without exacting the fearful suspicion of a passerby.
Treating the symptoms of the common cold with homeopathy can be notoriously tricky, as there is often not much offered by the symptom picture to allow for remedy differentiation. In such unexceptional cases, a combination remedy can prove extremely useful. One of my favorites is the Narayani Cold Pills Mix 11. This little bottle of magic is a combination of Aconitum napellus, Allium cepa, Euphrasia and Gelsemium in a 6x potency. Together, the remedies target the watery discharge from the nose and eyes, and the sneezing which signals the onset of a cold. It is important to start using the remedy, as directed, every fifteen minutes as soon as symptoms appear. Once the intensity of the symptoms decreases, the frequency can also be decreased, until the remedy is being taken three times a day.
Of course, if the symptoms change, you will have to change the remedy to match. By all means, keep supporting the body with all the other beautiful tools available, from Vitamin C and D and zinc, Colloidal silver and herbal tinctures, to warm foot rubs and socks, and granny’s secret recipes.
Happy cold season to you all!
P.S. I purchase the Narayani remedies from Helios Homeopathy Pharmacy in London, U.K. ‘Handbook on Healing’ Books 1 & 2, by Swami Narayani and Swami Ananda, provide a great introduction and overview of this line of remedies and the particular associated methods of approaching health and healing.
P.P.S. You can special order any combination of remedies from a Homeopathy pharmacy and they will happily make it for you so long as they have the remedies and necessary lower potencies in stock.